Degree & Certificate Requirements
SUNY Jefferson
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Degree & Certificate Requirements


Waiver of Degree Requirements

A matriculated student must follow an approved curriculum as described in the College Catalog at the time of matriculation. Any requests for deviations from the sequence of an approved curriculum must be submitted in writing to the V.P. for Academic Affairs. Such requests are considered by the Petitions Committee of the Faculty Senate, and its recommendation is submitted to the V.P. for Academic Affairs for final action. The decision in response to each request is communicated in writing to the student by the V.P. for Academic Affairs.

Candidates for a Degree or Certificate

In addition to general requirements, candidates for a Degree or Certificate must complete and submit an “Application for Degree/Certificate” during their last semester. Forms and deadline dates may be obtained from the Student Records Office.

Graduation Requirements

Candidates for a degree or certificate from Jefferson Community College must fulfill the following requirements.

Degree Requirements

A degree candidate must fulfill these general requirements:

  1. Complete successfully a minimum of 60 credit hours of course work. Physical Education activity classes are not considered as part of this 60 hours.
  2. Complete successfully all course requirements as listed under the degree program for which the candidate is matriculated.
  3. Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of credit at Jefferson Community College. (SOCAD: 15 academic credit hours)
  4. Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 upon completion of the program.
  5. Satisfactorily meet all College financial obligations.
  6. Receive recommendation for graduation by the faculty of Jefferson Community College.

Certificate Requirements

A certificate candidate must fulfill these general requirements:

  1. Complete successfully all course requirements as listed under the certificate program for which the candidate is matriculated.
  2. Complete a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit at Jefferson Community College.
  3. Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 upon completion of the program.
  4. Satisfactorily meet all College financial obligations.
  5. Receive recommendation for graduation by the faculty at Jefferson Community College.

Second Degree Requirements

Any student who has completed the requirements of one degree or certificate program may only matriculate in a new program with the following:

  1. written consent of the Dean responsible for that curriculum
  2. an interview and written approval from the Dean

The V.P. for Academic Affairs must also give written consent when the student wishes to matriculate for two curricula concurrently.

The signed matriculation form must be placed on file in the Student Records Office prior to registration for an additional program.

Requirements for attainment of an additional degree or certificate are as follows:

  1. The authorized matriculation form must be on file in the Student Records Office.
  2. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be successfully completed in residence for each additional degree or certificate.
  3. All specific course and curriculum requirements must be fulfilled for each additional program.
  4. A 2.0 cumulative average must be attained.
  5. In the event a student has interrupted enrollment for one or more semesters and wishes to return to full-time study in an additional degree program, an application must be made through the Admissions Office in addition to all of the above.

Request forms for additional and/or concurrent matriculation are available in the Student Records Office.

For information about secondary degrees or certificates which are excluded, see the Guidelines for Matriculation in Additional/Concurrent Degree or Certificate Programs.